Hallo zusammen,
ein Problem beim Starten von AmaVisD:
Führe /etc/rc.d/init.d/amavisd start aus ...
Starting Mail Virus Scanner (amavisd):
Error in config file "/etc/amavisd.conf": Can't use string ("localhost.localdomain") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /etc/amavisd.conf line 69.
CentOS läuft als VE (OpenVZ)
Host Datei: localhost.localdomain localhost
# Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment. v181mx1.domain.com v181mx1
$mydomain = 'localhost.localdomain';
#$mydomain = 'example.com'; # a convenient default for other settings
Zeile 69:
Version: amavisd-new x86_64 2.5.4-1.el5.rf
Liegt es daran, dass der User virusalert nicht im System existiert?
ein Problem beim Starten von AmaVisD:
Führe /etc/rc.d/init.d/amavisd start aus ...
Starting Mail Virus Scanner (amavisd):
Error in config file "/etc/amavisd.conf": Can't use string ("localhost.localdomain") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /etc/amavisd.conf line 69.
CentOS läuft als VE (OpenVZ)
Host Datei: localhost.localdomain localhost
# Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment. v181mx1.domain.com v181mx1
$mydomain = 'localhost.localdomain';
#$mydomain = 'example.com'; # a convenient default for other settings
Zeile 69:
$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = { # mail supposedly originating from our users
originating => 1, # declare that mail was submitted by our smtp client
allow_disclaimers => 1, # enables disclaimer insertion if available
# notify administrator of locally originating malware
virus_admin_maps => ["virusalert@$mydomain"],
spam_admin_maps => ["virusalert@$mydomain"],
warnbadhsender => 1,
# forward to a smtpd service providing DKIM signing service
forward_method => 'smtp:[]:10027',
# force MTA conversion to 7-bit (e.g. before DKIM signing)
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords => ['8BITMIME'],
bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], # allow sending any file names and types
terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0, # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS option
Liegt es daran, dass der User virusalert nicht im System existiert?