The first release candidate of the upcoming ISPConfig is available for download. RC versions are released for testing purposes and should not be installed on production systems.
What's new in ISPConfig
- Support for Apache 2.4.
- Support for Ubuntu 13.10.
- Support for OpenSuSE 12.3 and 13.1.
- Added option to disable a whole client with one click.
- Clients can be assigned to another reseller.
- Added limit templates for resellers.
- Added automatic welcome email for clients.
- Added min. password length and strength check.
- Add functions that allow clients to add their own nginx directives.
- The "Login as client" function is now available for resellers too.
- Added support for multiple email addresses in "send copy to" field of the mailbox.
- Several other minor features have been added and a lot of bugs have been fixed. Please see release notes for a full list of changes.
Detailed Changelog
=]ISPConfig::ISPConfig 3: Tasklist
Update instructions
What's new in ISPConfig
- Support for Apache 2.4.
- Support for Ubuntu 13.10.
- Support for OpenSuSE 12.3 and 13.1.
- Added option to disable a whole client with one click.
- Clients can be assigned to another reseller.
- Added limit templates for resellers.
- Added automatic welcome email for clients.
- Added min. password length and strength check.
- Add functions that allow clients to add their own nginx directives.
- The "Login as client" function is now available for resellers too.
- Added support for multiple email addresses in "send copy to" field of the mailbox.
- Several other minor features have been added and a lot of bugs have been fixed. Please see release notes for a full list of changes.
Detailed Changelog
=]ISPConfig::ISPConfig 3: Tasklist
Update instructions
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/ispconfig3_install
tar xvfz ISPConfig-
cd ispconfig3_install/install
php -q update.php