Here is an easy way how to configure mailgraph with ISPConfig.
The main problem with ISPConfig's spam and virus detection system is that nor clamassassin neither spamassassin log to syslog, so mailgraph won't know anything about found spams and viruses. We will use procmail and logger to send entries to syslog files (logger is a part of bsdutils package on debian based distributions, which means it is probably already installed).
First, install mailgraph:
apt-get install mailgraph
(or use your distributions default package installer)
(If you installing it from source be sure that you start it with "--ignore-localhost" option.)
Start the daemon:
/etc/init.d/mailgraph start
Copy mailgraph.cgi to a cgi-bin directory of an ISPConfig configured website which has CGI enabled. Check mailgraph in a browser. If it is working keep reading, if not, go back and doublecheck everything.
Configure spam detection:
add the following lines to a user's .spamassassin.rc file:
:0 c
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
| logger -p -t spamd spamd: identified spam
Add it after the line starting with "| /home/admispconfig/ispconf...", don't forget to put an empty line between them.
Configure virus detection:
add the following lines to a user's .antivirus.rc file:
* ^X-Virus-Status: Yes
:0 c
| logger -p -t smtp-vilter clamd: found virus
Add it after the line starting with "| /home/admispconfig/ispconf...", don't forget to put an empty line between them.
Now you have a user, with whom you can test mailgraph. Use his/her email address to test spam and virus detection:
mail -s spamtest
Check /var/log/mail.log. You should see a new entry, something like that:
Mar 7 12:20:27 isp spamd: spamd: identified spam
Check mailgraph in the browser. In few minutes you should see that number of found spam is increasing.
Test virus detection too, send an EICAR anti-virus test message to the same user. (you can download test files form
here. Don't be afraid, it's not a virus, just a test!).
Check /var/log/mail.log again. You should see a new entry, something like that:
Mar 7 11:37:46 isp smtp-vilter: clamd: found virus
Check mailgraph in the browser. In few minutes you should see that number of found viruses is increasing.
If everything is working fine you can enable configurations server-wide. Do the same changes in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/antivirus.rc.master and /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/spamassassin.rc.master files (or use the included patch files) Keep a copy from original files, just in case... A user's config file will be updated when you change any setting on that user in ISPConfig. (or you can use
this link to see how to update them in one step.)
Hope it helps.