ISPConfig 3 Cluster - 554 5.7.1 relay access denied


New Member
I have setup a Web, Email & MySQL Database Cluster On Debian 6.0 With ISPConfig 3 with load balancing and fail over, everything works fine until my mysql db's went out of sync... I have added some websites & mail boxes before this happened and some after. The problem now is, that when I send mail to the mailboxes which I have added when the db's were out of sync, I get an "554 5.7.1 relay access denied" error on the second node which is the mirror of the first. But this happened only on the second node, the first one is accepting all the mails without a problem. The second node is also accepting mails addressed to all mail boxes which I have added before the db's went out of sync, therefore my conclusion is that when I brought the mysql db's in sync again I didn't sync all of the config files needed. Maybe someone can tell me where to look for inconsistencies of the relevant config files

thanks in advance!


It is a cluster ans all services are available on both systems, so the setup is quite fine. What you are asking for is a load balancer which is put as hard or software in front of the cluster. There are quite a few load balancer types available, just google for them.

Btw, if you like to post in english, please use our english forum.

